Spinal Flow® Technique
A relaxing, hands on technique to release the layers of physical, chemical and emotional stress stored in your body
– moving you from fight-flight into flow –
3 Types of Stress
One thing we know about our bodies -
they take on stress
More specifically,
Physical - Chemical - Emotional
Physical stress can be knocks we’ve taken, bikes we’ve fallen from, ergonomic havoc, or any physical influence your body’s had to compensate for to cope with.
Chemical stress can be anything from food, to pharmaceuticals, environmental pollutants, and even the products we use in our home and on our skin. If it’s foreign to your body – the potential is there.
Emotional stress – well we all know about this.
The 7 Gateways
Over the course of a lifetime, these stressors layer up. Not only do they put pressure on our bodies, augmenting our posture and the way we hold ourselves. But even more critically, they create blockages in what we call the ‘7 Gateways’ of the spine.
These impinge on the flow of communication travelling from our brain, through our central nervous system and out into the peripheral nervous system servicing the rest of the body.
When the communication between our brain and body is compromised, we’re in trouble.
We’re talking pain, symptoms, illness, disease, upset states of mind and disconnected states of being.
No-one’s idea of a good time.
See the body in Spinal Flow® movement:
Spinal Flow® Technique releases the stored layers of stress in the body to remove blockages, refresh the flow of communication through the nervous system, and move the body into a state of healing.
How Spinal Flow® Works
This is an incredibly gentle technique.
But make no mistake – it is powerful.
We communicate directly with your nervous system through the 33 access points along your head and spine.
As we contact an access point the body recognises this as a place of ease, and moves to expand this further through the spine via a spinal wave – softening, shifting and releasing blockages on its travels.
We keep working until we clear a path.
We move you out of fight/flight and into the parasympathetic mode of rest and digest, freeing the intelligence of your body to flow through and do what it knows to do – heal you.
The result is structural realignment plus peace, connection and ease.
See the spinal wave move through the body:

Spinal Flow® goes beyond your body
We are born clear.
Over the years we load weight in.
Thoughts, emotions, trauma, limiting beliefs, anxiety, stress.
As we remove these old layers our bodies come back into alignment, and symptoms shift. We become physically and mentally clearer.
We move along the spectrum from disconnection, to reconnection.
The lighter and more free we become, the more true visibility we have, and the more expansive our awareness becomes.
Spinal Flow® can take you as far along that spectrum of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health – as you like.
How far would you like to go?
Spinal Flow® Technique, developed by Dr Carli Axford
Dr Carli Axford is both creator and founder of The Spinal Flow® Technique. Her dedication in honouring the body’s own wisdom to heal has led her not only to develop this amazing work, but to gather an army of specialists equally committed to sharing it.
Come heal.